How to Prepare Current Affairs for Exams?

How to Prepare Current Affairs for Exams?

The plethora of reading material available today is a significant issue while studying for an exam on a current topic. In the mistaken belief that extra reading will help them perform better in monthly current affairs of 2022, applicants frequently purchase more current affairs reading than they require. However, being excessively resourceful makes you unproductive. Because while they’re on your desk, you hardly have time to go through so many books! Therefore, it’s crucial to place quality over quantity. Here are some valuable tips for getting ready for a current affairs exam.

How to Prepare Current Affairs for Exams?

Read Newspaper and Magazine

Candidates should thoroughly research all issues in newspapers, periodicals, journals, and books, and they should be current regularly. Exams involve a selection process, and the current events section is crucial. To raise your score, dedicate simply 1.5 hours per day. What sources to choose is, nevertheless, the most crucial factor. As a result, if you want to perform better on the GA section, you should take notes on the subject and promptly amend them.

Pay attention to the main issue

News reading is worthless. Candidates should comprehend the issue at hand completely. While themes discuss the idea of what is happening, news concentrates on the actual events that are taking place. It would help if you learned the purpose of the news publication to consider contemporary issues. You should routinely get accurate data, facts, and reports on current concerns to completely appreciate the positive and negative elements of the topic as it stands today. This will also assist you in developing your viewpoints, recommendations, and solutions to these problems.

Limit the Resources

There are many readings, especially on current events. There are numerous newspapers, websites, monthly magazines, and yearly publications. As a result, applicants need to figure out what to refer to. Consequently, choosing which materials will benefit your exam preparation the most is critical. According to what Career Launcher has learned through studying last year’s work, you should only rely on the resources above for comprehensive coverage of current affairs.

View conceptual videos about timely topics regularly

After watching a video or reading an article, please write a brief note about it in your language using any available resource. And take the monthly current affairs of 2022 quiz challenge. Before reading newspapers, candidates can try our YouTube channel’s current affairs classes to learn about their CA. The newspaper only covers some things; thus, reading it is useless. Watching videos can help you understand breaking news fundamentals and background information.

Understand what not to read

When preparing for the UPSC current affairs exam, it’s crucial to recognize the material you don’t need to learn. Not all of the information in the article is up to date with UPSC. You can look back at the relevant questions from the prior year to get a better idea of what you need to learn.

Examine your time allotment

The pertinent news story should be carefully reviewed. It is advisable to allow yourself to read the newspaper for more than an hour. Within two hours, you must read about the day’s happenings. First graders may require more time initially.

Thanks for Reading :)

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How to Prepare Current Affairs for Exams?

by Deepak Bhagat time to read: 2 min